Monday 5 November 2007

Is Yeast Your Problem ?

We all have yeast living in our gut. Candid Albicans is one of the most prevalent forms of this yeast and I will call it Candida for short. It is present in all of us but the fact is that it can proliferate in some and while it is not life threatening it does produce a wide array of debilitating symptoms. These include depression, anxiety, unnatural irritability, digestive symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and heart burn, tiredness and a sense of hopelessness, allergies, acne, migraine, cystitis, vaginitis, thrush, menstrual problem, PMT.

The introduction of the contraceptive pill, broad spectrum antibiotics, and the use of steroids (perhaps you even use them for your hayfever!) have all played a part in Candida’ s growth. On top of that the increased use of sugar and sugar rich foods has provided the yeast with just the sustenance it loves. Of course I am not suggesting that all of the conditions above are always caused by Candida but it is true that all of them could be caused by Candida..

Since we all have Candida but not all of us are debilitated by it, it is very difficult to provide a test to give cast iron proof and so if it looks like you have a “Candida picture” in your symptoms then the best thing to do is introduce anti-Candida measures .

Controlling Candia falls into three segments.

1) There are a number of nutritional supplements which can help

2) An eating pattern which reduces the intake of yeast conductive foods

3) Special methods, including anti-fungal drugs, which can only be used by a health professional.

Supplements: One of he major bacterial friends we have is Lactobacillus Acidophilus which comes in a number of forms and in over 200 strains. It comes in capsules but also in it’s active state in some yoghurt cultures. Today we also have yoghurt drinks which contain active bacteria cultures. Taking these cultures is an important part of this programme. However, it should be remembered that the most potent capsule can have as much as 20 full pots of a leading supermarket brand of bio-yoghurt!. You may not realise that the average gut contains colonies of micro-organisms which in total weigh between3 and 5 pounds (1.5 – 3Kg). They’re not all friendly so if we want to repopulate with friendly bacteria we need a large amount.

There are no reported drug interactions or adverse effects, and no known risk of overdose. Probiotics can be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Probiotics can be given to young children as early as is practically possible in the correct strains. If your child has allergies at may be worth trying this.

Garlic is another thing that can help. However, although there may be many who would happily eat whole cloves of garlic there are others ho would find the whole thing repulsive. Fortunately there are now odourless capsules available. Furthermore as well as having anti-microbial action against certain types of bacteria the active compounds in garlic dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure; they also have immune system enhancing effects,.

The next item to consider is the B-Vitamin Biotin, sometimes called Vitamin H which should be taken 3 times daily in doses between 350 and 500mg.

Finally we should be doing anything to improve our immune system and the primary nutrient here is Vitamin C. another long story but try 1-3g per day unless you get diarrhoea then reduce the dose.

Diet: There are two main areas to consider.

1) The elimination of all foods derived from or containing yeast or fungi

2) Reduction, as far as possible, of carbohydrate rich (containing sugars) food.

This includes bread, cakes, biscuits, anything in breadcrumbs, mushrooms, truffles, Soya sauce, black tea, all cheese, citric acid, all dried fruits, all fermented beverages (beer, wine, spirits, cider, ginger ale). All Malted products (cereals, sweets). All foods containing MSG. All vinegars. Antibiotics. Selenium, Multivitamin or B vitamin tablets unless they specifically state that they are from a non yeast source.

A very long list so maybe just reduction assisted by supplements is the answer.

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